Staying comfortable during the winter weather can be simple with help from ARS/Rescue Rooter. Here are some tips from our experts:
Changing Filters
Changing your filter is a simple way to keep your home system running smoothly. If you have a furry friend at home who sheds, be sure to check your filter monthly, and change it when it appears dirty.
Tuning Up Your System
A heating tune-up by an ARS professional can instantly improve energy efficiency in your home. A neglected HVAC system must work much harder to heat and cool your home, while a furnace or air conditioner that has been finely tuned can take less energy to maintain indoor comfort.
Installing a Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats, when installed properly by ARS, can lower energy consumption. Saving energy means you cut carbon emissions and leave a smaller carbon footprint. The smart thermostat minimizes temperature swings by adjusting closer to the desired temperature than manual thermostats, resulting in lower utility bills.
Insulating Pipes
Having your pipes insulated by a professional at ARS can keep your pipes from freezing. Frozen pipes bursting is a real pain but easily prevented! Additionally, insulating your hot water pipes reduces heat loss and can raise water temperature 2°F–4°F hotter than non-insulated pipes, allowing you to lower your water temperature setting.
Running Fans in Reverse
In the winter, when your heater is running, reversing your ceiling fan moves warm air near the ceiling down to the floor. This greatly reduces your energy use and can lower your utility bills!
Visit our website's ARS/Rescue Rooter Locations page to find an ARS provider near you, and let us keep you comfortable this winter.